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New Meetup: Bouldering Comp in Madison

From: sean
Sent on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:24 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Cities Rock Climbing Meetup Group!

What: Bouldering Comp in Madison

When: Saturday, April 10,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $25.00 per person

Boulders Climbing Gym
3964 Commercial Ave
Madison, WI 53714

I met some folks from the Boulders Climbing Gym in Madison (soon to be Dave St Martin's new home gym) at the Best of the Midwest Comp. They are having a bouldering comp in April.

Comp 4/10/10 in Madison at

Details: The comp is April 10. Registration starts at 4, climbing around 5, finals at 9, after party to follow. Canned food donation encouraged (we teamed up with a not for profit org and a food pantry, most of the funds will go to the access fund). Theme: Will climb for food. Fee: $25 ($5 off if you bring a can of food). It's a bouldering comp with a high ball final.

Email: [address removed]


Mailing Address:
Boulders Climbing Gym
3964 Commercial Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin, 53714, USA

Learn more here:

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