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Candles in the Wind: 14th Annual Commemoration of Antietam, Dec 5

From: Mike
Sent on: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 10:35 AM


On Saturday, December 5, we will go to Antietam National Battlefield for our 14th Annual Commemoration, which includes an afternoon hike around one of the best preserved Civil War battlefields (, followed by an evening drive through the Memorial Illumination ( The hike is a moderately difficult 11 miles (2.5 blisters) over mixed surfaces (roads, farms, woods) and rolling hills, with shorter options available. The Illumination commemorates the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with 23,000 candles representing that day's casualties. During the hike, you'll see the many volunteers preparing the candles, making the Illumination all the more moving and impressive. This is a great way to learn about Civil War history. All are welcome, including kids and leashed dogs.

If you are interested, let me ([address removed]) know and I will send, on the Wednesday prior hike day, detailed information about the meeting time and place, and about the event. (If you've already expressed interest and don't get information by then, let me know.) We’ll meet at Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro around 10:15 am, and at the trailhead at 11:45 am.

Dinner: After the Illumination, many of us will have dinner at the historic Old South Mountain Inn ( The dinner is almost full and reservations are required. If you would like to be added, email me ASAP. The dinner requires a $20/person deposit that goes toward its cost
. (Email me before sending a deposit.)

If the Illumination is cancelled due to weather, it will be rescheduled for December 12, as will the hike. There is no guarantee of dinner reservations for the alternate date, although you’d get the deposit back.

- To attend the hike & Illumination, please send me an email to be included in my list. (Don’t reply to this mess, er...message.)
- To attend dinner, you must send me an email first and then (if space is available) a $20 deposit.
- The only costs are gas expenses and your own dinner.
- You may RSVP (NOT reserve) on Meetup if you like

Last five years’ Antietam commemorations:
— 2014:
— 2013:
— 2012:
— 2011:
— 2010:

(Photography was not invented before then.)

While we’re talking pix, here are the ones from our last wandering:


Upcoming wanderings include a Dec 6 holiday party (easy), a Christmas Day hike (moderate) on Sugarloaf, and a New Year’s Day hike (easy) on the C&O Canal. RSVP on Wandering Soles.

In the meantime, I hope you have a great Turkey Day!


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