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Curious Georgetown

From: Mike
Sent on: Friday, October 30, 2015, 2:46 PM



These Wandering (Occasionally Lost) Soles will walk through time, relativistically speaking, with an easy (1.3-blister) hike through historical (hysterical) Georgetown on Sunday, November 8. OK, it's not really a hike, more of a walk, and you're welcome to skip along if you want, although no one likes a show-off. Anyhow, over 5 miles or so, we'll visit places and recall events that shaped ye olde tony towne. Georgetown was named for two (maybe three!) Georges—‘though not the yet-to-be-famous Washington—before the USA was born (borne?). (Speaking of the USA being born, isn't it lucky that the "father" of our country was married?) Highlights include the C&O Canal, Georgetown University, Tudor Place, Dumbarton Oaks (gardens and museum), and the Old Stone House, as well as many other noteworthy homes and landmarks, including the Exorcist steps. It's enough to make your head spin!

No reservations or commitment are required for the hike. We go rain or shine; if it's precipitating (You didn't tell us we'd be outside!), dress accordingly. No pets please. We’ll meet at 1 pm on the west side of Wisconsin Avenue, NW, south of M Street. There is a small plaza in front of the Pinstripes Bistro (1064 Wisconsin Avenue; that is next to and above the C&O Canal. Note that street parking is conveniently free on Sundays. By the way, the (don't snicker) Foggy Bottom  & Rosslyn Metro stations are both about a mile away. Remember, this (ahem) hike is in the afternoon, so if you slept through others (whether you went or not), this one is for you!

More information about the hike is at

(This is pretty much the same message I used when we last did this hike in 2012 [photos:]. I apparently had a weird sense of humor back then.)


You didn’t think I’d let you go on an empty stomach, did you? We'll have an optional dinner at Pinstripes Bistro at 5 pm, which is conveniently where we end the hike. You don’t have to come on the hike to come to the dinner or vice versa. This dinner is the Annual Meeting of the Washington Area Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC). The delicious, full, four-(or five)-course (rated 2.8 burps) menu is only $20 per person, not including drinks; we'll pick up the difference in cost. Seats are limited!! If you are interested, contact Judy Kandel directly ([address removed]) ASAP to reserve and arrange payment. Payment may be (a) by check made out to AMC-DC and mailed to Judy (1215 Northview Rd., Baltimore, MD 21218), or (b) via PayPal to me ([address removed]). What better way to meet and get to know better other members and non-members with similar interests in the outdoors? I think of many, but this is a pretty good one.

More information about the dinner is at


If you were unfortunate enough to miss our fantastic hike & dinner at Gettysburg, I won’t say anything to make you feel bad. Here’s are photos that will do that:
