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New Meetup: Wheel to the Sea, a hike for wheelchair users and volunteer pushers!

From: Ciana G.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 6:10 PM
Hi Wilderness Adventurers-

Now is your chance...we just lost 20 volunteers from a local community service group and would love more friendly, compassionate, fun-loving helper types like you to join us on Saturday.

We are re-opening for RSVP's as of now! Please tell your friends and remember to mark your calendars for Nov 6th, our fall Wheel to the Sea.
What: Wheel to the Sea, a hike for wheelchair users and volunteer pushers!

When: Saturday, May 8,[masked]:00 AM (This coming Saturday.)

Rancho Sierra Vista
Rancho Sierra Vista/Point Mugu
Newbury Park, CA 91319

Join us for this exciting outdoor event that is designed for individuals in wheelchairs as well as volunteers! This year our focus is on reaching out and serving Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, both
wheelchair users and those who can volunteer to push participants!

The naturalist led hike starts in the local Santa Monica mountains and winds its way through to the ocean where we culminate the event with a family style barbecue. Participants will be paired with volunteers to assist when needed. Transportation will be provided from locations in both Woodland Hills and Newbury Park.

Learn more here:

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