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Neues Meetup: new years evening Dinner and going out 2010 / 2011

From: John Peter Mary Wubbe ZeZ c.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 12:26 PM
Ankündigung eines neuen Meetups für Zurich Socialising!

Was: new years evening Dinner and going out 2010 / 2011

Wann: Freitag, 31. Dezember[masked]:00

Wo: wubbe
ueltiberghalde 5

new years evening Dinner and going out 2010 / 2011
Friday, December 31st, 2010 @ 19:00
uetliberghalde 5, Zurich

This is the promissed Dinner before going out to the party that is on organized by Ian , with me and the others coocking our dinner and than going out into the newyears eve togehter

more info: the place to be uetliberghalde 5,
start of prepairing cocktails for cooking 1745
start cooking at 1830
start eating 19.30
the ones who wants to help me cooking pls come on Thuerstday evening to uetliberghalde at 1800 to go shopping for the next day. We will just devide the costs and put that next evening (smile) on each tablet before eating.
pls sent a email what you for sure can and will not eat!!! we will manage to make a meal for all !!!
pls call me if you have questions or even better if you come on thuersday


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