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RSVPing for a meeting then not showing up

From: Steve S.
Sent on: Friday, September 26, 2014, 9:50 AM

Hi all;

When you RSVP for a meeting and can't make it, please remove the RSVP from the list. There's been several times when members don't show up and don't change their RSVP status.

Unfortunately, this causes several things to happen:

  • People who are on the waiting list don't think they can show up, and don't.
  • People who do show up print more copies of their work than is necessary.
  • New members don't get a good understanding of how the group functions because they don't get to attend.

To help us better manage this wonderful and growing group, please change your RSVP if you can't make it.

Thanks very much, for being in this group, and for all your work.


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