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New Meetup: Organic & Sustainable Wines at the Hub

From: tom m.
Sent on: Friday, August 6, 2010, 12:31 PM

What: Organic & Sustainable Wines at the Hub

When: Thursday, August 19,[masked]:30-9:30 PM

Limited Time Discounted Price: $20.00 per member& guest

Where: HUB SoMa
901 Mission St., Suite 105
San Francisco, CA 94103

This is an wine event for those who support and encourage green businesses and want to know more about how technology can be used to change society?

The HUB is a network of co-working spaces ("hosted habitats") spread around the US and abroad whose members, armed with their laptops, direct "social enterprises" -- a term of art based on the concept of doing well by doing good that refers to initiatives that seek to address and correct societal problems whether for profit or not-for-profit, or in many cases, a blend. They view themselves as a new breed of entrepreneurial "changemakers." Hubs provide collaborate work space and services, including market opportunities and capital, for individuals that want to make a difference in their communities.

The SF Hub (there is one in Berkeley as well) has leased 9,000 sq. ft in the ground floor of the Chronicle building at 5th and Mission, directly across the street from the garage and a few blocks from BART. The SF Hub is part of the Hearst Corporation?s plan to create a four acre ?Innovation Campus? between Mission and Howard St. In the next five years, Hearst, in conjunction with the city, plans to make the area a headquarters for Bay Area innovation.

Here are some sites to provide more info on the Hub:

Come join us for a lively evening of networking and wine tasting at one of the hippest spaces in San Francisco. The event will feature organic and sustainably produced wine from local, family-owned vineyards plus some very tasty nibbles and a silent auction.

Zindagi which literally means "Life" in Hindi, is one of the start ups attached to the Hub and is serving as our host. Zindagi's goal is to use technology to further financial literarcy among a new generation of Americans empowering them to achieve their life goals. Read more about how they are doing this at http//

We are expecting a 100+ professionals invited by our host.

BAWS members and guests receive a $10 discount off the normal ticket price of $30 if purchased by August 14th.

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