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Change in night

From: Eleanor
Sent on: Friday, May 11, 2012, 7:37 PM

Hi again,


thanks for the responses to my last email explaining we either have to move night or venue.  Being silly, I forgot to change the reply settings meaning that Signe and Mhairi's replies went to everyone (as fellow organisers) and everyone else had to either email me directly, or their emails went into a pending queue that thankfully I do have access to so was able to read.  Anyway, it was clear that pretty much everybody wants to stay with the Grosvenor, and also that Mondays suit the vast majority more than Wednesdays do.  So... I've spoken to the Grosvenor and we're booked into the Projection Room (the room we'll be using in June) for the **FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH** until May 2013.  Now I just need to find out how to set a reminder in April 2013 so that I remember to put the next year's request in...


Anyway, thank you all for your patience, and for those who Mondays don't suit, I'm genuinely sorry.  Fingers crossed you can rearrange things, otherwise, I know there are other Book Groups run within Meetup that you could check out.  There's The Extremely Inferior Glasgow Book Group Experience which seems to meet on Saturdays (looking at their blurb, it looks like we might have upset someone!) and the Glasgow Culture for the Uncultured group runs a book group on Tuesdays and other general booky meetups.


Hopefully though, I'll be able to see you at a Monday night Book Group soon.





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