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TMIRCE'ers gets cool stuff from City Sports. Here's how.

From: Andy M.
Sent on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 2:15 PM

Hey Gang.

TMIRCE is growing and fun things are always happening. As you all know, we have a good relationship with City Sports here in Boston. They give us a 20% off TMIRCE specific coupon for meeting at their store for our Saturday bRUNch Fun Run.

This is where it gets important.

We're going green and eliminating the paper system. If you want to get 20% off at City Sports as a member of TMIRCE, well need you to sign up on our semi-new website that's still under a bit of construction. (anyone now wordpress?)

"How do I get this 20% off as part of TMIRCE?" you may be asking.

Simple. Click this link and give us your name and email address so we can add it to the system. When you go into City Sports in 2013, you'll be able to just give them your email address as the coupon. YAY!

When you've finished that, don't forget to sign up for the TMIRCE Party next Saturday at the W Hotel. Dress fancy, eat dinner beforehand, be ready to win stuff.
