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Fwd: Upstarta Camp Brisbane (Tue 24 Nov, afternoon of day before OSDC start)

From: Arjen L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 11:30 AM
Hi all

Announcing Upstarta Camp!

When: Tuesday 24 November, 12pm-5pm
Where: Brisbane, Mt Coot-Tha / Bardon area (near OSDC venue)

What is it? A picnic in the park. Yes, literally! It's a workshop, but we're doing a barbecue beforehand. It's $10 for members, $20 for non-members. We haven't set a firm cap on numbers but we will have to limit it somewhat. 

After a joint introduction to get everybody tuned in, we'll split the attendees into smaller groups, each utilising Upstarta principles (https://upstarta.b...­) and related strategies to accomplish tasks. It'll be educational, challenging, and fun!

For more info and registration, go to https://upstarta.b...­

It's the day before the Open Source Developers' Conference starts at the nearby Bardon Centre, so if you're travelling to the conference you have an opportunity to join the Upstarta Camp also. Simply pick a flight earlier Tuesday morning! On the OSDC topic, do register as you want to be there and the earlybird finishes this week. https://2009.osdc....­

I hope to see you at both events!
Cheers, Arjen.

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