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Spiritual Journey in Ojai this SUNDAY!

From: Connie C.
Sent on: Friday, July 5, 2013, 11:25 PM
Hello my loves!
I would LOVE to see all of you in Ojai this Sunday!
Why you should join us:
-It's the most Spiritual/Metaphysical town around!  
-It's only a day trip! Takes approx. 1.5hrs to get there! Yup, that's it!
-We have extraordinary gifted healers. Cuauhtemoc Tim Delgado will help you learn tools and techniques to transform your life and raise your vibration. Your intention with these scientific meditations will change the way you look at your reality, and when you change your perception, you change your projection.
-Transformational exercises, healthy organic food, mystical spots in Ojai, guided meditation, laughter & fun
-It's the LAST one of the year
Here are all the details:

Get the Life You Deserve!
Connie Costa, MA 
Beverly Hills, Ojai & Italy
"Fear is why we pummel the weak, hate the different, cling to the uptight religious doctrine that we know, deep down, is sapping our soul and crushing our independent thought and numbing our sexual potency."- Mark Morford

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