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Re: [dc-java] Java Random Generator

From: Donald M.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 12:17 PM
It's a shame that JCheck ( appears to be inactive. It's sister project (Scala Check) is really quite powerful for creating random test data.

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Allan Shoulders <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello fello JUGers,

While exploring the new and awesome features of the Stream API in Java 8, I found it quite annoying to create data to experiment with. Creating Java beans and then populating them and putting them in a collection blah blah blah.

I was hoping there would be a tool in Java that would do this for me, but I haven't much luck finding anything (at least that's active). Ruby on Rails has such a feature, but nothing for us Java folks.

So like most developers I built my own. I call it Java Resource Generator (JRGEN). I know most of us may not have time for such endeavors, but I was hoping I could get some feedback from the community. If there is something out there that already exists (and is better) please let me know about it. It would be a wasted effort, but hey it was fun coding it!

-link to my Github page to download it. I'm working on getting into Maven central.


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