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New Meetup: Hallett Peak (RMNP)

From: Bill B.
Sent on: Friday, July 16, 2010, 8:40 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for THE DENVER TRAIL HEADS!

What: Hallett Peak (RMNP)

When: Sunday, July 25,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Hallett Peak

This is probably the second most popular peak in RMNP (after Longs Peak). This peak is located on the Continental Divide, so great views all around. This trip is for experienced hikers only. The pace will be moderately fast.

Trail Details

Starting Elevation: 9475'
Elevation at peak: 12,713'
Elevation Gain: +3,238' net elevation gain (+3,375' total roundtrip elevation gain)
Difficulty: Strenuous
Distance: 10 miles round trip.
Dogs: No

Weather is unpredictable at these elevations, be prepared for anything.

Carpool Location

We will meet at the park-n-ride at 88th and Sheridan at 6:30. I expect to be at the north end of the lot. Look for my red Saturn. We will carpool to the free shuttle parking lot in RMNP and ride the shuttle to the Bear Lake trailhead. Those persons up north can meet us at the shuttle lot around 8:00--just be sure to let me know if you do not intend to meet at the carpool location. The free shuttle is inside RMNP, so someone from each vehicle will need to have a park pass.

As always, be ready to go when you get to the carpool location--have car gassed up, have snacks, water, cash for driver--no stops between carpool location and RMNP. When you arrive at shuttle parking lot, be ready to start hiking, should take no more than 2 mins to change into hiking boots and being ready to get on the shuttle.

This is a participate at your own risk event.

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