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New Meetup: Hookey Challenge - Mt Elbert

From: Bill B.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 3:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for THE DENVER TRAIL HEADS!

What: Hookey Challenge - Mt Elbert

When: Friday, July 23,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Mt Elbert

Anyone up for hiking to the summit of Colorado's highest peak? This is a challenging hike, do not sign up if you haven't hiked trails where there are several miles of elevation gain of 1000+ ft/mile. The pace for this hike will be moderately fast to get back below treeline before noon.

I want to leave the trailhead at 6:30 AM, so I will be leaving the carpool location at 4:30 AM. However, there are campsites very near to the trailhead for persons who prefer to camp there, and there is lodging in Leadville as well. Since Mt Massive is in the same area, one option is to hike Elbert one day and Massive the next. Let me know when you sign up if you intend to meet at the carpool location or at the trailhead.

Trail Details

Starting Elevation: 10,040'
Elevation at summit: 14,433'
Total Elevation Gain: 4,700'
Distance: 9.0 Miles round trip.
Difficulty: Very
Dogs: No

Weather is unpredictable at these elevations, be prepared for anything.

Directions to trailhead: From US 24 south of Leadville, turn onto Colorado 300. Drive 0.7 mile and turn left onto County Road 11 toward Halfmoon Creek. After another 1.2 miles, turn right on the dirt road toward Halfmoon Creek. Travel on this road for about 5 miles to the Mt Elbert trailhead on the left.

Carpool Location

Wooly Mammoth Lot, across from the Conoco, section BB. Exit 259 from I70 westbound. This is the Morrison Exit. Turn right onto Colfax, then make an immediate Left onto Mt Vernon Canyon Rd. Continue until you see the Conoco on the right, then enter the lot on the Left. Look for my red Saturn.

Meet at the carpool location at 4:30 AM.

Carpool Location Link

This is a participate at your own risk event.

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