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Intrepid Adventure Sports - Learn to Canyonner!!

From: Greg W.
Sent on: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 7:27 PM

Intrepid Adventure Sports


Learn to




“Canyoneering has enjoyed a tremendous surge in popularity over the past several years. Unfortunately many of the people who are discovering this exciting sport remain unaware of the inherent risks and the complex technical skills required to enjoy it safely. The rope skills learned from rock climbing and rappelling are a good start, but will prove to be inefficient and sometimes dangerous in an aquatic or semi-aquatic canyon environ. This curriculum is designed to enhance safety, efficiency and enjoyment for canyoneers of all experience levels."

Intrepid Adventure Sports has a meetup group!   Join the meetup group and see the latest training and canyoneering trip schedules.


Basic Technical Canyoneering Course

Moab, UT

April 25 – April 27


Advanced Technical Canyoneering Course

Moab, UT

May 2 – May 4



Call our office at[masked] to register or visit us online at for more information.

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