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New Meetup: Ice Skating

From: user 6.
Sent on: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 9:25 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Social Networking,Selective, Inexpensive,Ecclectic, DC Metro!

What: Ice Skating

When: November 12,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Ice skating was fun ... so I thought I would give it another try. There were several groups meeting at the rink, including a Lesbian and Gay group ... which inhibited me asking folks about the meetup ;-) ... I don't think I got in touch with everyone from here... sorry about that ... Nate, Rich and Myself (Andrew) made it down to Baileys for a late dinner.

The rink is at the top of the Balston Mall, lots of parking, Metro stop near by, no excuses!!!

The session starts at 8:00 and last until 9:00. I'll meet in the lobby by the rental counter before the session starts then out on the ice after that. $8 to skate, 3$ to rent skates.

We'll wander down to Baileys Pub and Grille after the session for some late night refreshments.

Learn more here:

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