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New Meetup: Coffee, Tea, and Gelato Meet and Greet

From: Robert
Sent on: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 4:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Phoenix Faeries Meetup Group!

What: Coffee, Tea, and Gelato Meet and Greet

When: Sunday, July 25,[masked]:00 PM

Unlimited Coffee & Monster's Gelato
741 E Glendale Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85020

Come hang out with the faerie folk at Unlimited Coffee & Gelato.

We were having issues with this as a Wednesday meet site due to the enormous writing group that met there every week, but I have been told that there are no groups meeting there on Sundays.

The coffe is decent and they have quite a few different flavors of gelato to choose from.

Bring your ipods with faerie/goblin/troll music so we can set up our player and share some tunes.

If there is any artwork you would like to share, feel free to bring it.

I'll have an arts and crafts project there for us to work on, too.

Learn more here:

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