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New Meetup: Spaghetti Feed Faerie Festival Fundraiser

From: Robert
Sent on: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 4:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Phoenix Faeries Meetup Group!

What: Spaghetti Feed Faerie Festival Fundraiser

When: Saturday, July 10,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $10.00 per adult plate, $5 per child plate.

Glendale Cascade Mobile Home Park (Clubhouse)
5747 W Missouri Ave
glendale, AZ 85301

Help raise money for the Phoenix Faerie Festival at the Fireland Faerie Nation Spaghetti Feed.

Here is a chance to dress up in your SUMMER faerie rainment while getting to chow on spaghetti (homemade meat lovers and vegetarian sauses available), garlic bread, and salad (a drink will be included).

There will be entertainment, door prizes and raffles. I will have a section of the Golin Market set up so if you want to bring in anything to trade with me, so much the better.

You can either R.S.V.P. and pay in advance trough this Meetup site or go directly to the Faerie Festival site and pay there. Its $10 per adult plate and $5 per child plate.

Even if you can't attend the feed we are still looking for quite a few funds to help with expanding the festival back to a two day event.

We are still looking for volunteers, so please chime in or send the organizer a message if you would like to help!

Learn more here:

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