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New Meetup: Goblin Market Planning & Construction Meet

From: Robert
Sent on: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 2:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Phoenix Faeries Meetup Group!

What: Goblin Market Planning & Construction Meet

When: Wednesday, June 16,[masked]:15 PM

The Paisley Violin
1028 NW. Grand Ave The Paisley Violin is located at the intersection of 11th Avenue and Grand Avenue in the fabulous Phoenix Art District.
Phoenix, AZ 85007

This meeting is going to mainly involve working on things for the Goblin Market, the barter only area, out at the Phoenix Faerie Festival. This will also give an opportunity for members who are not able to attend weekend meetups a chance to come hang out.

We will be constructing some funky instruments for use in the goblin juke band.

As it is my goal to at least triple the amount of vendors in the Goblin Market this year, I will be handing out some advertisements for that for attendees to disperse to potential "vendors".

Rowan has already lined up at least one entertainer specifically for the goblin market stage, so now we just need a stage wink. Help design the hybrid cage/stage for performances!

Lastly, we can begin pinning together (and possibly doing a little sewing) on the next clothing canopy that will provide shade in the market.
See you there.

The Great Scale

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