Greetings Steampunks,
Want to bring the meetup back to the west side and give a weekend option for those busy during the week.
Let's have a lunch where we can collaborate and brainstorm projects we want to do. You are welcome to come and share about projects you have going like films, games, walk throughs, etc, in which you are looking for help and you can hear what ideas and projects others have going on and you can hear what others have going on. You are also welcome to come just to meet some fellow Steampunks and learn about the creative things people have going on. Bringing your laptop to show off the creative things you do is encouraged, but of course not required. And of course coming dressed in your Steampunk garb is encouraged but not required.
This Sunday I want to share ideas about some new events where we join as artists and I want to hear your thoughts as well as to hear about your projects.
Reservation will be under the name "Steampunks"
If we get more than 7 people I'll make a reservation, if not the weight isn't very long so we should be able to just show up.
Feel free to contact me for help meeting us or questions
Wade Hawkins