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Join ICED Media, HL Group, Klout and NetBase at the next Fashion 2.0 panel event!

From: Yuli Z.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 5:17 PM

FASHION 2.0: Uncovering The Truth Behind Online Influence.

Join us at Fashion 2.0 meetup, the first and largest NYC fashion/tech community, for this must-attend panel and networking event!

Online influence has been a subject heavily debated in the media. Who are the true online influencers and what kind of impact do they have on audiences and consumers in particular? What are the best ways to discover and rank the influencers of a particular demographic? How do brands activate the influencers online and how do they measure ROI? Our panel of top industry experts will seek to uncover the truth and myths behind brand/ influencer relationships, while sharing their experiences as they relate to fashion brands in this monthly panel discussion. Speakers include:

Leslie Hall, ICED Media

Dina Fierro, Vice President Social Media, HL Group

Josh Butler, Director of Sales, Klout

Jennifer Kirk, NetBase

Moderator: Yuli Ziv, Style Coalition


Tuesday, January 29th, 2013, 6-8PM

6PM - networking & open bar courtesy of NetBase

7PM - speakers panel

Greenhouse, 150 Varick Street, New York , NY





NetBase Enterprise Social Intelligence enables apparel, beauty and retail businesses to gain real-time insights into earned media across the social web and owned digital channels such as Facebook and Twitter. Our conversation mining helps you understand what your consumers are saying about your brand and your competitors so you can make informed business decisions.  Known for our accuracy, ease of use and actionable insights, our clients include leaders such as Coca-Cola, Kraft, Kenneth Cole, ESPN, 2012 Obama Campaign, McCann Worldwide, and Razorfish. NetBase also powers the weekly Sentiment Tracker in the WallStreet Journal and our solutions are sold globally by JD Power & Associates, GfK and SAP. For more information, visit, our  Facebook pageLinkedIn, or  YouTube .

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