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Forex Meetup Update

From: Samuel A.
Sent on: Monday, June 15, 2009, 1:01 AM
Hi Everyone:

I just wanted to send a quick word out to everyone in the Vancouver Forex Meetup group.

It's been awhile and we haven't had regular Meetups, but it's been a pretty hectic time for me overall.

I have been busy with trading and business (most of which relates to trading too), and have an increasing number of things I can share - both on manual and automated trading fronts.

If you are currently trading, if you have thought about trading but haven't a clue of where to begin, if you have previously traded only to be burnt out through a lack of success, or if you have another reason, it's always great to be able to network with other traders.

We will work out some dates (if you would like to help in securing other places to meet or in leading/sharing trading methods or strategies, please let me know - and I know I have heard from a couple of you in regards to teaching and I intend to follow-up soon), although in the meantime I will endeavor to send some trading thoughts and updates that you may be interested in.

Please do send me any thoughts you have, I'd love to hear.

In the meantime, I hope all is well and I look forward to seeing everyone soon.



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