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What fun we have planned for May and beyond!!

From: Gabbi
Sent on: Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 12:14 AM

Hey Team!

I'll start with an introduction: My name is Gabbi, and I'll be helping out as your secretary for IGDA Sacramento. I'm super excited to be on board with this, we have so much planned :). Now onto your updates.

We're glad to have you here with us in the new IGDA Sacramento Chapter! We had our first meeting Sunday with the board, and we have a ton planned for the future. Here's a taste of what's coming up:

May 11-12: Neurosky Game Jam

This is a two day Game Jam that starts at noon on the 11th. Come and join the fun with this exciting tech! It will be hosted at Hacker Lab, located in downtown Sac. For more information, click here.

May 16th: Time to Mingle! Come Meet Your Fellow Developer

It's mingle time! We'll be at Coyote Cafe at 7:00PM. Come and chat it up with your community members, make connections and have fun. Don't be late! For more information, click here.

May 23rd: Let's Talk and Plan IGDA Sacramento

Starting at 7:00PM at Hacker Lab, we'll be talking about our plans for the future. Now that we've established the IGDA Sacramento Chapter, doors are flying open! Come, listen and give us feedback! We want to know what you guys think.

For more information about the International Game Developers Association, click here.

For more information on the meeting, click here.


INDIE ARCADE!! It's never too early to get excited for something this awesome!!  Because we love you guys, and want to show off all your amazing talents, we're dedicating an entire day to showcase all the awesome games that are being made by YOU. The entire thing will be open to the public, so get those brain gears turning! More details soon...


We're also working on putting together a website right now, it should be done within a month. Don't worry! It will work in conjunction with the Meetup site. Look forward to it!

So come out to an event and meet your board members that will be busting to make it all happen! Until then, we'd just like to say, we're glad to have all of you on board. We look forward to meeting you in person, so please come on out! If you have any questions or feedback, you can contact us via email.

Gabriel G. - Coordinator: [address removed]

Joseph B. - Vice-Coordinator: [address removed]

Gabrielle T. - Secretary: [address removed]


Stay tuned and see you guys soon!

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