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Announcing the NESIT Community Data-Center

From: user 2.
Sent on: Saturday, May 18, 2013, 1:06 PM

NESIT Inc, provides widespread access to modern means for invention and learning by providing access to tools, technology, and connecting people.

The NESIT community DataCenter is an extension of this idea. Through the generous donation of equipment by 454 Life sciences – Roche , The NESIT community data-center project will provide computer skills, internet use, and training by outside instructors and local experts with a focus on the economically vulnerable especially students, the unemployed, and low-income residents. This project aims to also make computing capacity available to schools and local non-profit organizations to increase students learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and provide a community IT resource for local non-profit organizations.

Are you interested in contributing to, helping us plan, monitor, or administer this data center? We want to hear from you! Please email [address removed] for additional details.We’re looking for electricians, hvac techs, carpenters, and system administrators that are familiar with HPC (High performance computing). And anyone also that would like to learn by building this.

Please check our website for the latest news and developments on the NESIT Community Data-Center.


Thank you,


William F. Reyor

NESIT [address removed]
290 Pratt St, 2nd Floor, Meriden, CT 06450

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