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Positive EFT Learning Event

From: Steve
Sent on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 11:19 AM
On Valentine's Day you received info about how to receive a copy of Dr. Silvia Hartmann's, Love EFT: Tapping Positive EFT for Dating, Love, and Relationships

I heard back from several members who acted on the offer. To the person, they absolutely loved Silvia's book and how easy it is to apply Positive EFT to love and relationships. 

One member said it's the first time in year's she feels the surge of certainty that finding a loving, life partner is not only possible, but truly doable.

As I mentioned in the original post, Silvia's Love EFT book was available only over the Valentine's Day weekend as a downloadable PDF. It is now being prepared for paperback and e-book Kindle type publication and will be available in a few months in printed and e-book form.

What is available is the opportunity to learn Positive EFT- the foundation of Silvia's Love EFT book - during a 1-day special event on Saturday, March 29 in Ellicott City.

Is Positive EFT Effective?

During the past six-months I have used Positive EFT with every client. People absolutely love Positive EFT because with its use there is seldom a need to root about in the muck of past trauma. 

It's quick and easy to use in self-help and a delightful, empowering experience for clients.

Not Another Version of Classic EFT:

Positive EFT is not simply just another version of classic EFT. Yes, there is tapping, but there are no "Even though..." type statements, no "I deeply and completely love and accept myself", affirmations, and no round after round tapping on what can be an endless parade of aspects. 

With Positive EFT, we're looking through our windshield at the open road of possibility and success ahead. With classic EFT, our eyes are typically riveted on the rear-view mirror looking back at past trauma and painful memories. 

Positive EFT is direct, energy based, and feels amazing. It focuses on what's strong, not what's wrong. 

March 29 Positive EFT Learning Event:

To learn more about the upcoming March 29 Positive EFT event - to include benefits above and beyond the training itself - please visit: 

And yes, we WILL definitely be applying Positive EFT to love and relationships - and much, much more - during our March 29 event.

Questions? I'm happy to talk or correspond with you about this upcoming event. 

Please give me a call at:[masked] or email: [address removed].

Blessings and joy,


P.S. There is a discount and other significant benefits for those who register before March 1. Visit: for details.

P.P.S. - Amazon Review: I wrote a review posted on Amazon and the AMT's Dragon Rising publishing site about Silvia's, "Positive EFT" book. 

If you would like to learn why I am so passionate about bringing Positives in general and Positive EFT in particular to the world, I welcome you to read my Amazon and Dragon Rising post by clicking  HERE.

Stress Solutions, LLC |[masked]

Making positive choices easy!