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New Meetup: St. Edward's Park Hike

From: Lisa W.
Sent on: Friday, April 23, 2010, 11:07 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for North Austin and Round Rock Hiking Meetup Group!

What: St. Edward's Park Hike

When: Saturday, May 1,[masked]:00 AM

St. Edwards Park
7301 Spicewood Springs Road
Austin, TX 73301

We'll hike for about 2 hours up the rocky hills and down the creek bed. Ther are some steep, rocky hills. Dogs and kids are welcome. Please bring plenty of water for all. And if you are bringing your dog, you are required to be a responsible pet owner and pick up after them.

Directions from 183 and 360: Traveling South on 183 exit 360 and take a right. Spicewood Springs Rd is the 3rd traffic light. The 2nd light is also Spicewood Springs to the left. You will be turning right so bypass the 2nd light. Travel approximately 2 miles on Spicewood Springs Rd. There will be a sign for the park on the left. The parking lot is just up the hill to the left. This is where we'll meet

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