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New Meetup: Jim Hogg - Lake Georgetown

From: Lisa W.
Sent on: Sunday, May 16, 2010, 4:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for North Austin and Round Rock Hiking Meetup Group!

What: Jim Hogg - Lake Georgetown

When: Saturday, May 22,[masked]:00 AM

Jim Hogg Park
Lake Georgetown
Georgetown, TX 78626

Come join us in Georgetown. This will be about a 3 hour hike at a fairly good pace. Not a lazy day walk or a beginners hike. There are some hills and rocky terrain. Dogs and kids are welcome if they can keep up.

Directions: Take I35 North to exit 261A which is RM 2338-Lake Georgetown Andice Exit. Turn left on Williams Drive Travel 6 miles. Make a left at Jim Hogg Rd. Travel appr. 1 mile to the park. The parking will be to left of the Jim Hogg Park sign BEFORE the addentant gate. The parking area is a U shape gravel driveway. We will meet across the street at the Park sign

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