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Re: [houston-php] Problem with group meeting attendance

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 11:42 PM
I always wondered why the various Linux distros didn't use something like FreeBasic which is compilable, easily expanded, and has lots of libraries for every system out there.  Besides having the onerous of being a basic language - it has classes, enums, includes, and everything else C has but the benefits of dynamic allocation of arrays, 2D and 3D graphics, and a lot more.  I know scripts make it easy to change things but you can't get faster than compiled except with assembly language.  And FreeBasic is very fast as well as very small executables.

On 4/11/2012 9:28 PM, Todd wrote:
Gary put it well:  "It's hard to be to committed with so many cancellations. Are we meeting 75% of the time? "  This is why I stopped attending.  I used to look forward to the meetings... but with so much unpredictability and so very little "unoccupied time" in the schedule... well, I just stopped "bothering."  I disagree with the criticism of "the meetings used to have a broader appeal... and now focus in on what is hot."  I like the "new & shinny."  Technology keeps moving.  "New & shinny keeps us sharp and exposed to different ways of approaching problems."  Alas, again, it's the "spottiness" that I can't stomach.  I {hate}++ the early time... but I can "deal" with it once per month... usually.  However, again, it requires a bit of maneuvering to set-that-up... and then often for naught.

Admittedly, I have RSVP'd and then been unable to attend (mostly because it's hard to get out the office so early).  I was unaware that this caused logistical issues and offer my apology to both Joao and the group.

- Todd

BTW:  I still like PHP.  It's my favorite.  However, I've been writing a LOT of Python, lately.  It has its merits (e.g., being stupendously faster than PHP) and its detractors.  The lack of braces -- although VERY "WRONG" at first -- is actually NICE!  Who knew?  If you use RedHat/Fedora-centric distros, the availability of Python during the installer environment is quite nice.  I digress -- just another geek toy.

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