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Hiring: Senior UX Designer in Newport Beach

From: Domanique A.
Sent on: Thursday, June 12, 2014, 9:55 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a full-time Senior UX Designer to join my team at CAKE (, in Newport Beach. We're an enterprise SaaS company in the affiliate marketing space.

The position is mostly working with the product and dev teams: user interviews/testing, wireframes, specs, prototyping, etc, and a little bit of UI design. We're in the process of building out style and design guides, as well as building a design team, and shifting to an agile environment. So this is a really great opportunity if you're interested in being a part of that process.

Feel free to email me at [address removed] or [address removed] if you have more questions/concerns. Also, you can see the job req here:


Domanique Alicia
UX Designer & Adventure Enthusiast | [address removed] | (503)[masked]

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