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New Meetup: Special Meeting-Part 2 IBD Meetup Outreach--Please RSVP right away

From: stephen
Sent on: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 4:43 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for East Side Investor's Business Daily Meetup Group!

What: Special Meeting-Part 2 IBD Meetup Outreach--Please RSVP right away

When: March 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We are fortunate to have a special program and speaker from Investors Business Daily for a special March meeting . It is the second session of a 3 part IBD Outreach program. Groups from the Eastside, Southend, Seattle, NorthEnd, Everret,Tacoma and Poulsbo are invited to participate. Session 3 is scheduled for April 7th.

We have no cover charge for these meetings to encourage participation and as an incentive for you to invite your friends and relatives to come to the events as your guest.

You will see the topics for the presentation at session 2 described below

You can get directions by clicking on the name of the restaurant below.

Doors open @5:30 pm; program @ 7:00 pm-9:00 pm with unlimited Q & A to follow

Attendees are encouraged to order a meal or snack from the menu either before or during the meeting

Free parking plentiful in the area

You will need to RSVP @ the link below-


Program Announcement:

The IBD Meetup Outreach Program is a free program that brings IBD speakers to local Meetup groups across the country. We hold three 90-minute sessions taught on three different dates. Each session is structured to provide unique information and guidance for both new and long-time investors.

Learn more here:

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