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New Meetup: Improv Field Trip to Mama's House

From: Michael
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 3:29 PM
You Don't Want To Miss This!!!!!!

Announcing a new Meetup for The Orlando Improv Meetup Group!

What: Improv Field Trip to Mama's House

When: Friday, December 3,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Sleuths Mystery Dinner Shows
8267 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819

Let's do it again!!!!!

It's always fun to watch good improv. Ok and educational too.

*Mama?s Comedy Show is Orlando?s "GREATEST" improv comedy show!

If you like ?Whose Line is it anyway?, you?ll love Mamas Comedy Show in Orlando! Since the show is based on audience suggestion, Mama can?t guarantee that the content will be squeaky clean. In fact the show is intended for mature audiences, and it is the Best bang for your buck anywhere!

Come by every friday night and visit the family! Tickets are just 10 dollars, but they are only 5 dollars if you have mama Moolah. (Everybody get?s mama moolah after every show. )

Which I have. Shhhhh don't tell anybody. Meet me at the bar before the show and I'll slip you some of Mama's moolah. Making your entrance only $5. Food and drinks are available but you're on your own for that.


The show starts at 10:00pm sharp.
Don't be late or you'll have to pay full price.
RSVP by Friday 12:00 noon so I can reserve seats.

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