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New Meetup: Speak Up in September

From: Jorj S.
Sent on: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 8:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Edmonton Italian Speakers Meetup Group!

What: Speak Up in September

When: Tuesday, September 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Italian Centre Shop (North)
[masked] St NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 2E4

Buongiorno tutti membri,

Speak up in September at Meetup!

Cominciamo un'altra stagione di Edmonton Italian Speakers.

For our new members who have been waiting all summer for regular meetups, they're here.

We meet the first Tuesday of a month at Italian Centre North Cafe, and on the third Tuesday of the month at Italian Centre South Cafe. What do we do? We sing operas.

Just kidding. We practice Italian. Our meetups are a space for you to practice what you are learning, for advanced or native speakers to challenge one another in fun conversation, to mentor and be mentored, network, socialize, eat, dolce vita.

Finally, all members are encouraged to submit ideas to our meetup page. We had great ideas last season that were fun and engaging, everything from cooking demonstrations to learning how to play scopa!

A piu tardi...

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