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I need your input

From: Angie
Sent on: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:28 PM
Hi Ladies,

I hope you have something exciting planned for the weekend. I've taken a break over the past month and now I'm ready to get our calendar filled with events. I'm looking forward to meeting all of our new members plus all of you who haven't been able to attend any of our past events. No need to be shy. We have a wonderful group of ladies who are just looking to meet other girlfriends. With that said, we have a comedy meetup coming up and then we have a game night scheduled right after and I'm already thinking ..."what's next"? So, I've created a poll for you to vote on what you'd like to do next. Please log onto the site and vote for what type of event you'd like for us to have for our next meetup. As always, if anyone is interested in becoming a co-organizer to help hosts meetups for our group, please shoot me an email.

See you soon!

Just Us Girlfriends

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