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New Meetup: Say goodbye to Sherri & Hugh at Sumo Grill

From: Sherri
Sent on: Monday, June 14, 2010, 5:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Chicago Korean Language Meetup Group!

What: Say goodbye to Sherri & Hugh at Sumo Grill

When: Friday, June 18,[masked]:30 PM

Sumo Grill
3952 N. Sheridan
Chicago, IL 60613

As many of you know, Hugh & I are moving to the Detroit area because I'm entering a Ph.D. program at Wayne State University. We might be leaving Chicago as early as next week, & this is our last chance to say goodbye for now! Sumo Grill is a new fast food Korean place right by the Sheridan Red Line (Sheridan & Irving Park Rd....just north of Wrigley Field). There are only a few tables, but we'll eat in turns if we have to. As of today, the credit card machine wasn't working yet. Bring cash! This is a BYOB establishment. You can buy soju & American maekju at the Korean-owned liquor store between the Red Line & Sumo Grill. I don't suggest driving to this venue. Parking is horrendous! Besides, the Red Line is just steps away! We'll be at Sumo Grill from 6:30p-8:30p. If you want to say goodbye, this is your chance!


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