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This Friday night: Join us at Epicurean on the Georgetown University Campus!

From: Tamara K.
Sent on: Monday, September 26, 2011, 5:18 PM

Hey fellow Koreaphiles,


We are throwing a musical farewell party on Kit's behalf at Epicurean, a bar restaurant on the Georgetown University campus. There is a bar section on the left, a buffet section in the center, and a sushi bar on the right -- plenty of food choices!


I will be playing live at Epicurean every Friday night, and my debut is this Friday... Your friendly presence and support will be greatly appreciated!


So come on out and say goodbye to our adorable member Kit, have great food, and listen to some live music!


This Friday night, dinner starts at 7pm and music at 8pm. You know the drill... Show up and have fun! :)

