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12/12 Legal Tech Demo Night

From: Phil W.
Sent on: Monday, December 3, 2012, 11:39 AM

Good morning folks,

Our docket of presenters continues to increase.  Please join us at Projective Space LES on December 12 for a great night of demos! More info:

Current Presenters - Isaac Tilton

PrivacyChoice - Jim Brock

Copyright Codex - Eric Adler

Kunvay - Reggie Solomon

More to come!

Apply to Present - Quick and Informal Email

If you have a piece of legal tech you want to show off and receive feedback for, please shoot an email to [address removed] with a brief statement of the technology.  Demos should be about 5 minutes, and they will be followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.  Ideal projects do not need to cover a topic we have covered at a roundtable, but they should address real legal issues or provide an interesting service for lawyers.  We will take a few applications for projects that are at the idea stage, so long as the presentation coherently presents an issue and a solution.

Please write with any questions as well.




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