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"Our Ballot Box" article on Tech Crunch, MATC Portfolio Show, No December meetup

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Sunday, November 25, 2012, 12:46 PM

Dear Members,

Hope you're all enjoying our national weekend of overeating.

  1. Our colleague Lucas Dailey, who presented his web startup to the group in fall 2011, has written an article for Tech Crunch: How To Build A Revolutionary Political Social Network which charts the path of his startup and discusses the problem they're trying to solve.
  2. The MATC Portfolio Show is December 5th at Olbrich Gardens from 4-8pm. Come by to see creative work from MATC's budding graphic design students.
  3. There will be no meetup in December - January's will be announced later.

Have a safe and happy holiday season,

Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer

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