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Summary of Tuesday's meetup

From: Beirne
Sent on: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 12:20 AM
Six of us, including one new member, met for the Spanish meetup Tuesday night. We took a break from having a theme and instead had an open table. We discussed different topics like vacations, jobs, favorite TV shows, and ways to learn Spanish.

We also talked about some Spanish websites and tools. They included:

We have a change in the assistant organizer. Barbara, who has been a stalwart in the group for a long time is moving away from Memphis. I appreciate her help running meetings when I was unavailable and helping during the rest of the meetings. Her excellent grasp of the language and her helpful attitude have made the group a lot better. I wish her the best.

Taking over as assistant organizer is Cathy. She has been a member of the meetup for a long time and as a native speaker from Peru has been our final authority on the language. She will be leading the next meeting, with the topic being "What would you do if you won the lottery?" I will send out more details separately.


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