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Did you apply to attend this weekend's Ecommerce Training Meetup?

From: Jeff M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 3:06 PM

Jeff Mills, a 16 year veteran of online marketing, and local Twin Cities business coach, is hosting a 2 day ecommerce training workshop October 1 and 2. This event is by APPLICATION ONLY.


Have you ever wanted to sell with Shopify? Maybe Amazon or eBay have too many rules for you and you'd like to use an easy way to make money online?

To help you make more money with your online business Jeff is hosting a 2 day workshop

The workshop will be able to accommodate about 25 people. So hurry to apply to attend. 

This business model uses 3 essential Pillars for you to have success online:

1. Shopify Ecommerce Stores

2. Traffic from Paid Facebook Ads

3. DropShipping System with AliExpress and  Viral Style

Our model allows you to sell online without ever buying, storing, packing, mailing or running around to the post to send packages. It's the safest and cheapest way to start your own online ecommerce business. You can sell products to anyone in the world who is online!

Jeff Mills has been teaching his methods successfully in the United States and around the world through webinars since 2003. He's got over 900 students using his business model in the past 2 years and several students have gone on to earn high 6 figures with easy dropshipping businesses.

One of them, Curtis Dawson, has sold over $250,000 online as a complete newbie - Curtis used to be a broke Church Pastor, and his life was completely changed when he made his first $175,000 online, using Jeff's methods and teachings.

Jeff has generated over 3.5 million clicks off of Facebook Ads and over $1.2 million in sales through ecommerce in just the last 18 months.

At this workshop you'll receive:

1. Excellent Networking Opportunities

2. The complete blueprint for marketing on Shopify with FB ads and Dropshipping

3. a 56 Page Workshop with all of Jeff's tips and secrets explicitly spelled out.

4. Opportunities to talk with Jeff and his team on how you can be successful with your own online Ecommerce Business.

5. Networking meal - which are included in the price to attend

6. FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIP - you'll be given a scholarship to attend, but only if you apply at the link below.


We look forward to meeting everyone in a couple of days time!

Speak Soon!
Jeff Mills



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