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Thank you

From: Jess
Sent on: Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 2:18 PM


Thank you so much for being part of the Minnesota Internet Marketing Mastermind here on Meetup.

This is Jess Tiffany, the groups current organizer.


I am excited to bring more events on what I consider a super important and necessary topic of Internet Marketing. If you would like to chat or have some ideas you would like to share please grab a 15 minute introduction call slots

Looking forward to some great topics being covered. We are also looking to start a mastermind elite group that will meet either before or after the main meeting. This will be a monthly membeship. If you are wanting to be one of the founders of the elite mastermind group let me know and I can get you in at the lower founder rate.


Thank you again everyone!

Jess Tiffany    [LinkedIn Profile]

CEO and International Best Selling Author [Amazon] [Audible]
