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Re: [tcCannabisClub] Should I run for the Minnesota Senate?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 4:02 AM
Hello All;
Running in the DFL is not a piece of cake, your bucking up against public employee unions who do not want to lose their power base. What I mean by that is prison guards, local police, court sonographers, judges, attorneys, and many other DFL elements who do not want any change in the status quo. We must turn out our people at the caucuses to overcome this minority elements tremendous influence. It is equally important that we are in their faces at the GOP as well, as the religious right must be stood up against and it can only be done from the inside. Use the Homosexual movement for a measuring stick here people, they are 2.4% of the population who has almost accomplished their task by holding a strong presence in both parties. Pro/life, pro/choice, and the women’s movement all do this.  We are 10 times the homosexuals numbers and still struggling because we don’t turn out. When the Homosexuals moved out of the closet, we moved in with the bong and papers and haven’t come out since except to resupply. Time to get out of the closet and get this damn job done.
W. D. (Bill) Hamm

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