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Re: [anime-29] Wanting a 4th for a road trip

From: PattrickS
Sent on: Thursday, October 18, 2012, 3:52 PM
Hey Gang,
I haven't heard from any of you.
$40 is all you need for Your part of the trip.
and you get one night in West Wendover.
4 nights in Las Vegas.
You pay for your own food and getting into the con.

and we will be leaving from Boise around noon on Tuesday the 30th.

IF you want to know more email me!

On Sun,[masked] at 22:47 -0400, PattrickS wrote:
Hey Gang!

Aaron Banks, Scott Bradley and Myself are looking for a fourth for a road trip.

Gas Cost is 40 bucks.

We will be going to Las Vegas for Animeland Makiba, leaving late in the afternoon on October 30th from Boise.

For Details, contact me.

We'll be taking Aaron's car.



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