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CoderFaire Nashville 2012 Call for Papers

From: Josh C.
Sent on: Monday, June 4, 2012, 8:09 AM

CoderFaire Nashville 2012 Call for Papers

Be a part of CoderFaire Nashville by submitting a proposal for a talk. CoderFaire Nashville is looking for speakers. Previous speaking experience is not required. All that is required is that you have an idea (or 3) and a passion to share with other developers. Any technology used to develop on the web is fair game. Ruby, Java, .NET, Node.js, NoSQL, PHP; it doesn't matter what your technology is, we will consider them all. Submit as many ideas as you would like for us to consider. We are looking for technical talks. As much as we believe in community and career talks, CoderFaire Nashville is about the tech. Also, you must live in the Middle Tennessee region to be considered. All talks are 60 minutes in length including Q&A. Winning speakers will be noticed by the end of June. If one of your talks is selected you will be invited to speak. Each speaker receives a free ticket to CoderFaire and the chance to help other developers learn and grow. Be a part of something different. Submit your ideas today to the Call for Papers is only open June 4th-16th, 2012.