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New Meeting: 500 is the game

From: Don ".
Sent on: Saturday, March 1, 2008, 5:12 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Twin Cities Night Life Meetup Group!

What: 500 is the game

When: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who loves to play 500 or who wants to learn. This is the 500 with left & right Bauer's.

Why: Casual get together for those who have shown an interest in learning to play or just need a good reason to get out and socialize.

Meeting Description: This will be our 4th official card meetup for the Nightlife Group. The goal is to have a weekly meetup just for playing cards and of course socializing and getting to know more about our fellow members. Being that it's being held in a private home I've limited attendance to 12 depending on response I may add an additional table.

We're not serving any food with this event, so make sure you eat before you come. Or if you like you can warm something up here. Any light snacks, beverage, or desert would be a good idea but not necessary. If you would like to bring something mention it in your RSVP

It's very important that if you RSVP for this event that you show up. If you can't make it, or not quite sure then leave the space for someone who can.

Table talk is HIGHLY recommended.... I have to make this disclaimer since I have a tough time keeping my mouth shut while playing So with that being said let's get together and play some cards!

<<<< If you have a card table mention it in your RSVP thanks!! >>>>

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