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Jets schedule info.. and info for the game today

From: Howard H.
Sent on: Sunday, November 18, 2012, 10:12 AM

Good Morning:

Things do not look good at the moment, but check out the last five games of the schedule. If we can somehow win today and Thursday at home against the Patriots, our next and last 5 games of the season are against the Cardinals at home, Jaguars on the road, Titans on the road, Chargers at home, and Bills on the road. If this team get a little momentum back by winning today and a huge win against the Pats, nobody is going to tell me we cannot beat those horrendous last 5 opponents and go 10-6. Even 9-7 can get us in the playoffs. People had the Saints counted for dead a few weeks ago and now are talking about how they can be a dangerous playoff team.  The media wants the Jets, Sanchez, and Rex Ryan to collapse. We all know that NY media thrives on the negative or the ultra positive. Nothing would suit the pathetic media more today than Sanchez having a horrible day and the Jets getting murdered. But the hell with the media!

Lets get a win this afternoon and then get ready for a season changer game on Thursday.

If you are coming this afternoon to watch the Jets vs. Rams, and you have any questions, please contact me at[masked].

Let's not give up yet! There is still hope. But we need a win today in the absolute worst way.