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Participating in Discovery Channel Show, You are invited

From: Mohsen K.
Sent on: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:31 AM

I work for Discovery Channel Canada, and I'm in search of
participants for a new show. I've included the details below
and am wondering if you could possibly send them out to your
group? I'm sure one or two members might be interested in

Thanks, any help is much appreciated.

Christopher Barry
Casting - Canada's Greatest 'Know It All'
[address removed]


Discovery Channel Canada needs your help in search of
participants for a new series...

Are YOU Canada's Greatest Know It All?

Do you consider yourself a walking Encyclopedia?
Are you the one people call when they need to build something,
fix something or find facts fast?

Do you have an opinion about everything -- and are usually
Would you love to go toe to toe with other know-it-alls in a
fun, competitive setting?

A nationwide search has begun for a potential Discovery Channel
Canada series which will give know-it-alls a chance to shine.
But ultimately, only one of you will be able to boast "I am
Canada's Greatest Know it All"

To qualify:
You are a man or a woman over 18 years of age who lives in
You may or may not have a post-secondary degree or formal
training. But you are unbeatable for how much you know about
trivia, mechanics, weather, engineering, geography, science,
barbecuing... you name it! You also know how to get out of a
tight spot better than MacGyver with a paper clip.

If you think you have what it takes to be Canada's Greatest
Know It All OR wish to nominate someone you know, please
respond with your contact details to:[address removed]

Here are links to the Discovery website, as well as our
Facebook and Twitter pages.!/group.php?gid=[masked]&ref=mf!/pages/Know-It-All-Casting/[masked]?ref=mf

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Christopher Barry / Anna Kowalski
Casting - Canada's Greatest 'Know It All'
[address removed]

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