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3G or 4G should I wait or not? iPad or not.

From: Miles R.
Sent on: Friday, May 14, 2010, 2:44 PM
I know Sprint is rolling out 4G soon. Would you wait or not?

iPad, got one, happy with it? Still wondering about the lack of Flash, how many blue boxes will I see on it?

For those of you flash guys are your clients asking you and more importantly paying you to convert to html5?

and is there anything FREE to read on the IPad in terms of magazines?

just trying to stop killing trees here.?

thanks for your feedback


--------------my twitter is MJRNYC
Please pass this on to anyone with the first name of Miles or Myles.

I have started a linked group "Miles or Myles" for those having that first name.

The Miles group will start online and then, hopefully, at some time in the future we will have a real world in person event. A room full of hundreds of Miles. It will be a unique experience for all Miles. Please pass the link along.



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