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Re: [newtech-1] statistical breakdown of the collected website defacements from the last few years

From: Asif Y.
Sent on: Sunday, March 16, 2008, 2:11 PM
On Mar 16, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Victor Shamanovsky wrote:

> Those numbers show us that LAMP stack is more difficult to work  
> with for
> various reasons. It is more costly because of that, and in addition  
> raw
> numbers indicate that it is getting hacked more.

Sounds more like PHP being insecure and/or hard to secure.

If you want to make this something about .NET and other development  
platforms, you may have a point.

However, the OS argument here is irrelevant. Most of these servers  
are running PHP, and it's not as if IIS is invincible either.

Sadly enough, I'm developing a PHP app right now, but thankfully I  
have a Perl/C background, and can see security holes (fairly) easily.

.NET like any type of managed code (Java, Ruby, Lisp, etc.) is  
inherently safer for the server -- but the app can still be cracked  
(obviously, nothing is perfect).

This article is a red herring, since they are not drawing a  
difference between the OS that the server is running and the apps  
that the server is running.

It's really not even worth talking about.


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