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Business Co-Founders

From: Arthur
Sent on: Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 11:22 AM
Ironically it seems hard to find business co-founders these days for us in NYC.   I work with a group of developers, design, content and marketing folks, but find it hard to find business/biz dev co-founders for our startup team.    

Most business co-founders I meet have the idea/company/product in hand and are looking for a tech co-founder to code.  Usually I meet business folks in one of 4 stages:

  a) Startup Idea looking for developer to code 
  b) Company founded, prototype built using offshore or contractors looking for tech co-founder to round out team & code MVP
  c) Team built, Seed raise started/in-progess,  some developers hired, looking for senior tech CTO/late stage tech co-founder
  d) Series A/Seed closed, dev team on staff, looking to hire senior technologist as CTO/VP of eng

What we're looking for (note the ordering of both lists):

 a) Biz Dev person with ideas of their own but willing to work temporarily on some developer driven ideas 
 b) Biz Dev person who wants to work on some developer driven projects and to work collaboratively
 c) Biz Dev who has experience in startups, raised, acquired customers before, been through some successful/failed startups - looking to work collaboratively with a team
 d) Biz Dev who has a large network in startups, done an exit or two - looking to work collaboratively with a team

Its difficult to find business folks looking to join a tech team, but arguably can be a very productive effort.  Happy for any leads - private reply..   And happy to hear more thoughts on how to match techies with biz folks - public reply.  

-Arthur Bierer

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