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Re[2]: [newtech-1] Title basically the VCs win.....

From: Peter S.
Sent on: Friday, May 29, 2015, 8:41 AM
So it sounds like it's time to make the "run" more difficult and the "investigation" easier.
Problems to be solved ;)

Sent from myMail for iOS

Friday, May 29, 2015, 1:01 PM +0900 from Stefan Dunkelgrun <[address removed]>:
Sorry, but I have to side with the SEC here - even though it hurts my interests.

The securities acts that require registration were enacted in response to massive fraud.  People would form BS companies, lie to potential investors, take their money and run.  Having spent time in the office of a securities regulator, this still happens today.

Securities laws ostensibly prevent it by levying significant disclosure requirements.  An exemption is made for accredited investors (VCs) because they have the resources to investigate potential investments that the average person can't.

If an exemption is allowed for Crowdfunding, securities laws may as well not exist - everyone will just use Crowdfunding.  More importantly, Crowdfunding would actually simplify the fraud process: a well-designed PowerPoint and a good sales pitch works better than fundamentals.

It's easy to forget why these rules were put in place (especially considering securities laws were put in place 75+ years ago), but getting rid of the registration & accredited investor rules is, in my opinion, inviting disaster.

On May 28, 2015, at 11:13 PM, Dean Collins <[address removed]> wrote:


Dean Collins

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